


12:30 – 2 p.m.

每年, members of the campus and local community are recognized with the Virginia Wolf Award for their continuous dedication to activism for gender justice.

Virginia (Ginny) Wolf从1964年到1982年在365滚球官网担任体育教授. 金妮在解决影响校园女性的问题上发挥了积极作用, including chairing U of I Women’s Caucus and helping to launch the campaign that brought about the establishment of a permanent Women’s Center.

The award was created in 2002 to recognize individuals who reflect a similar level of commitment and demonstrate a level of activism reverent of what Ginny gave more than 30 years ago. 获奖者是由过去的获奖者组成的评审小组选出的. Women’s Center staff members serve as advisors to the nominations review committee but do not participate in the review process.


妇女中心提供各种各样的活动,以帮助告知, 教育, 围绕妇女和与性别有关的问题激励和赋权.




自2020年秋季以来,梅兰妮一直是妇女中心的学生工作人员, 保持几个不同的姿势, 包括暴力预防助理, 编程助理和办公室助理. Her enthusiasm and action for gender justice have been evident throughout her entire experience at University of Idaho. She has truly thrown herself with passion and purpose into engagement at all levels of university life. 梅勒妮在365滚球官网计算机科学专业开始了她的学术之旅, 热衷于在男性主导的领域改善性别代表性. 在妇女中心的第一年, 作为一名18岁的大一学生, 她为莫斯科女高中生组织并举办了一个虚拟研讨会, aimed at encouraging a new generation of young women to consider Computer Science or Virtual Technology and Design as a possible college degree program. 除了她作为妇女中心学生工作人员的日常工作之外, Melanie has also been a present and active volunteer over the years for many Equity and 多样性 Unit (EDU) and Women’s Center programs such as 夺回夜晚, LUNAFEST妇女电影节, 妇女大游行, 粗话生活! 诗歌大满贯和许多其他赛事. 她在大学宿舍当了两年助理, often bringing large groups of residents to Women’s Center programs and hosting informal discussions afterwards. 在365滚球官网的时候, Melanie has sought to grow her skills in equity and justice work by serving on a number of university committees and groups, 包括皇家住宅协会社区大会, 视觉艺术界(VAC), the Japan Club and the City of Moscow’s Intermodal Transit Center Sculpture Installation committee. She has taken many different trainings to develop her knowledge base around creating more inclusive environments, 包括冲突和多元化培训, QPR(预防自杀训练), 绿点旁观者干预, the LGBTQA Office’s Safe Spaces training and trainings on assisting students in distress. In the last couple of years, Melanie has really started walking the walk of feminist activism. She gently 教育s and encourages other students’ involvement in gender equity issues, 在立法层面游说变革, engages in difficult conversations with conservative family members and can often be found attending and supporting a wide variety of campus and community-based events designed to foster a welcoming and accepting environment on the Palouse and beyond.

教授,部门. 文化,社会和正义

Much of the work Debb does that is deserving of recognition does not appear on a CV or resume. She makes a huge contribution to the daily lived experiences of the people in her orbit, 包括学生, 员工和她的同事. Debb has a clear sense of justice and consistently advocates for people whose voices are silenced. She recently took on a leadership role to review the faculty evaluation system at University of Idaho, passionate about developing a fairer system that eliminates unjust bias and highlights the important work women and faculty of color do on campus. Debb is a fantastic mentor to her colleagues, providing guidance and a kind ear when necessary. Debb calls out injustice when it arises and does so with such intelligence and steadiness, 这是不可能忽视的. 此外,她还担任了该部的领导角色. 文化,社会和正义 program, 倡导并与她的女同事一起, 放大她们的声音,争取公平待遇. Debb’s scholarship on consumer bankruptcy highlights the fact that a disproportionate number of women – especially elderly women and single moms – experience bankruptcy. 她的研究结果对经济和债务政策具有重要意义, and matter to people who are developing health care policy at the state and federal level. 黛布的作品出现在许多流行的新闻报道中, 包括一系列播客和《365滚球官网》, 大西洋, 英国《365体育滚球》,甚至约翰•奥利弗(John Oliver)等人. 她的研究正在推动对美国女性更公平的政策. 黛布对我们的校园有着独特的贡献, 我们的社区和这个国家所有被剥夺权利的公民.


Iris signifies the profound hope that a younger generation can bring to a time of divisive rhetoric, 人权的废除和深深的心痛. 去年秋天, Iris开始注意到“青年倡导组织”, 一个经营紧急避孕网络的非营利组织. Iris马上就感兴趣了, 申请加入网络, was granted access and attended training to learn how to effectively assist young people. 她很快开始工作, 和她的上司谈话, 华盛顿州立大学妇女中心主任和她的同事. She didn't wait for a strategic plan, a working group or a committee — she got to work. 她立即开始帮助她认识的华盛顿州立大学学生. 通过他们,她也开始帮助那些她不认识的人. 她的影响范围不断扩大. 她的耳朵是敞开的, 她的眼睛很专注, 她活在这个政治时代,她正在奋起应对. 这是草根运动. 她在移动,她在向别人移动. Gloria Anzaldúa说, “设立边界是为了确定哪些地方安全,哪些地方不安全, 把我们和他们区分开来.“我们的帕卢斯社区超越了国界, 我们的团结超越国界, 我们的爱超越国界,我们的需求也超越国界. Iris的工作超越了她作为学生和同伴健康教育者的角色界限. 当下的需求超越了国界,爱瑞丝也一样. She is stepping up to pave a road for herself, her peers and those who will come after. Iris安静、有思想、说话得体、有条理. Her influence and her work are welcome in creating the world that future generations of women are growing up in. 这个世界需要像艾瑞斯这样的性别正义倡导者.


2023 - Akorede (Koko) Seriki (student), Emilie McLarnan (staff), Rebecca Scofield (faculty), Rev. Elizabeth Stevens(社区成员)

2022 - Farjahan Shawon (student), Kristin Haltinner (faculty), Amy Sharp (community member)

2021 - Briana Navarro (student), Erin Chapman (faculty), Maureen Laflin (community member)

2020 - Samragyee Gautam (student), Leontina Hormel (staff), Maureen Taylor Regan (community member)

2019 - Ashley Ayala(学生),Julia Keleher(员工),Christine Wall(社区成员)

2018 - Catherine Yenne (student), Christina Vazquez-Ayala (staff), Nancy Nydegger (community member)

2017 - Madeline Scyphers (student), Rula Awwad-Rafferty (faculty), Erin Tomlin (community member)

2016 - Courtney Kersten (student), Ryanne Pilgerem (faculty), Sally Fredericks (community member)

2015 ——Sara Spritzer(学生), 玛丽贝尔·弗兰科(学生), Laura Putsche(教员), 凯西·斯普拉格(社区成员)

2014 - Kaitlin Moroney(学生),Yolanda Bisbee(教职员工),Deb Payne(社区成员)

2013 ——惠特尼·查普曼(学生), Colleen Kulesza(学生), 弗吉尼亚·索兰(工作人员), Heather Shea Gasser(工作人员), Lela Ames(社区成员)

2012 - Micah Kehrein(学生),Jane Lear(教职员),Jama Sebald(社区成员)

2011 ——Lynn McAlister(学生), 切尔西·赖斯(学生), 克里斯汀·莫菲特(教员), Christopher Bidiman(社区成员)

2010 - Rachel Todd (student), Francesca Sammarruca (faculty), Liz Sullivan (community member)

2009 ——Anne-Marije Rook(学生), 丽贝卡·罗德(工作人员), Joann Muneta(社区成员), 珍妮·哈维(终身活动家)

2008 - Tara Malmquist(学生),Liz Brandt(教师),Amy Stone Ford(社区成员)

2007 - James French(学生),Traci Craig(教师),Mary Jo Hamilton(社区成员)

2006 - Cassie Searle(学生),Kathy Aiken(教师),Ginny Foote(社区成员)

2005 - Selena Lloyd(学生),Betsy Thomas和Valerie Russo(教职员工)

2004 -没有奖励

2003 ——Lori van Buggenum(学生),Debbie Storrs(教员)

2002 - Emily Sly(学生),Kay Keskinen(教职员)






电子邮件: wcenter@bjqzgy.com

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